Sandhills Nebraska Family (Valentine, Nebraska Family Photographer)

To say this family means a lot to me would be an understatement. I absolutely LOVE having them just down the road (6 miles or so is "just down the road" around here). Robin keeps me sane living in the middle of nowhere and I get to live the large family life through them, so it works out perfectly ;-)

We had fun wondering around their little town (yes, they own a town as well...they're just pretty darn awesome) and I had fun chasing the older 3 around! Take a look...

I think this last one sums up accurately what it's like having 4 little ones 5 and under :-)

Lacy & Lzzy (Nebraska Photographer)

Lacy & Lzzy were gracious enough to let me take their pictures for my promo video, so I thought I'd share a few! I could not have been happier with the final product and their images will always be some of my favorites of all time, seriously!!! If you haven't yet, take a look at my promo video by clicking on the Home page scrolling down just a bit :-)

Baby Boone (Nebraska Newborn & Baby Photographer)

For best viewing, select "HD" and choose 1080p.

Nebraska Photographer

Be sure to select "HD" for best viewing.

Banks Family (Nebraska Lifestyle Photographer)

I had no intention of wanting any more kids for awhile until I spent a few hours with these little ones the other day. Little man was beyond cute and so itty bitty and then his big sister was a ball of energy and imagination. I had a great time with this family just hanging out at their house, capturing those in-between moments of their life that end up being the most precious.

He had the cutest expressions...

Little Miss Hadley was a very energetic 3-year-old...

...who was not afraid to pose for me...

...or entertain her family...

...or me!

The many looks of a 3-year-old...

Thanks again to this family for welcoming me into your home and allowing me to photograph your growing family.

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Fiora is 1! (Nebraska Baby + Family Photographer)

Oh my, where has the time gone? Our Fi is one and already driving!!! ;-)

We are so proud of our niece and love watching her grow up...and I LOVE being able to photograph this family. Seriously, so cute!

We had to maneuver around some tricky light and a not-so-happy Fi, but I think we got some great shots.

I couldn't get over the look on her face in this next one....  :-)

We all love you so much, Fiora. Happy Birthday!

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My Boy is 8 Months! (Nebraska Baby + Child Photographer)

I have been an editing maniac lately but so thankful for each and every client that chooses me as their photographer. This profession keeps me sane outside of my little world of wife and mommy, but so grateful for it all!

I had a few spare minutes today to go through Holden's 8 month photos. He has changed so much lately; crawling all over, developing his personality little by little, and becoming such a cuddle bug.

And now, presenting the cutest baby alive.....sorry, but he is ;-)

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Family of 3 (Nebraska Family + Baby Photographer)

I was so thankful to have the opportunity to photograph my cousin's family while visiting my hometown last month. This little darling is their first and sure to be most spoiled child I'm sure. But who can resist those gorgeous blue eyes, and not-to-mention that hair! She is blessed I tell ya! Not just with her hair, but a fairly large family (gotta love those Zenners!) that loves and adores her to pieces.

The lighting that day....uhm....FABULOUS!

Probably one of my all time favorites of a mother and daughter. So in love.

Still young and in love :-)

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My Baby (Nebraska + South Dakota Baby + Child Photographer)

5 months old. Not necessarily one of the most popular milestone months to remember your baby by. Not like the big 6 month or 12 month stage. The first year of a baby's life has many firsts, happy, sad, and just pure joyous moments. You don't want to just remember his/her life by the popular milestones. It's those in-between moments that you need to document and remember forever.

I challenge you moms out there to make an effort to capture those moments that just make you smile to yourself. It doesn't matter what kind of camera you have or what kind of experience you've acquired. Just do it! Don't worry about composition, lighting, or even if your child is smiling or crying in every picture. It's a memory.

Holden has hit the big 5 month mark and man has he changed a lot! I swear he's grown 5 inches in the last month and he all of a sudden wants to sit up. That rolling over is for other babies ;-) And the teeth. They have to be around the corner because the drool never stops....never. And everything must go in the mouth...everything.

He still needs a little help sitting up.  Dad was all for helping...with little complaining about his back of course ;-)

Ahhh, the drool. I feel like I get a bath every time I pick him up!

I know everybody thinks their baby is the cutest but seriously, he is THE cutest baby alive!

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Six Month Beauty (Nebraska + South Dakota Baby Photographer)

I say it every time I'm around her...."so weird to be around such girlyness!" My little guy is all boy, and I love him to pieces but there's a part of me that yearns for a little girl now and then. Hopefully someday. But for now, I'm quite content soaking up Miss Fi's long, gorgeous eyelashes, sweet baby girl talk, and the way she points those toes....I love it all!

I got this outfit for her :-)

Does she not have the most stunning blue eyes?!?!?! This is practically straight out of my camera with very little editing done on her eyes...they're naturally gorgeous!

She had enough of my camera for one day ;-)

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Pure Joy (Nebraska Baby Photographer)

This is my baby...

...3 months old already.

I will never forget the day I found out we were having this little chunky monkey. Such a surreal feeling; knowing I was going to be a mom.

He is nothing but pure joy. I love everything about him; his alertness and giggles in the morning, his new found discovery of his hands, and that smile....that smile melts my heart every single time.

I'm constantly reminded of how fast he's growing up with how quickly we're going through clothes (he's in 9 month clothes...gotta love him!). But I'm not sad. I'm just amazed at how much he's changed in the last three months and I find myself looking forward to that next big thing. Everything is so fresh and exciting to me as a new mom.

I'm looking forward to the next 3 months, and more.

Just thought I'd show off my little man a bit. Have a great rest of the week!


An end to a great year! (Nebraska + South Dakota Baby + Child Photographer)

I was so excited to sneak in one more session before the new year and this beautiful girl was a great way to end a fabulous year. It took her a little while to warm up to the camera, but mom and I managed to get a few smiles from her :-)


I just love her smiley faces!

By this time, we were all cold and tired. But that's nothing a little cuddle from mom can't fix :-)


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Baby Love (Merriman, Nebraska + South Dakota Newborn Photographer)

My niece, Fiora Copper Moreland is here!!!! She is perfect and has her entire family wrapped around her little finger! She made me so proud by being a perfect newborn model for our shoot yesterday. There were no meltdowns, and she just loved all the camera attention :-)

One thing I love about newborns are their many faces....

This next one I picture her saying, "Why yes, here's another adorable pose Aunt Chelsie." :-)

This one isn't perfectly composed, but I couldn't leave it out...she seems to make this face quite often ;-)

Eventually, she fell into a peaceful sleep.

Those gorgeous lips up close...

Is she not the most beautiful little one you've ever seen?! I'm not bias or anything ;-)

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Louie is One! (Hay Springs, Nebraska Family + Child Photographer)

I have been following this little guy around for the past year, and it's been nothing but fun! His parents chose to do the "First Year" package with me as it's the most cost effective and beneficial way of capturing the early memories of your child's life.

Last year as a newborn

4 months

8 months

And now a year old, and walking (or should I say running) all over the place!

I chased this little guy all over the park! He was fascinated by everything and had the cutest expressions.

We can't forget about mom and dad...they are so fun together and make the cutest little family :-)

One last photo to get us all in the mood for Halloween! Everyone have a fun and safe weekend!


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Precious Family (Merriman, Nebraska Family + Baby Photographer)

I think it's easy to say this is the most precious family I've had in front of my camera :-) Little man was content as could be during the session and enjoyed getting lots of attention from mom and dad. Take a look for yourself....

He loves his momma!

Resemblance? I think so :-)

Precious or what!

How can anyone resist a little baby drool? :-)

I'd like to thank this family for spending a few hours with me on a windy Nebraska day (does it ever stop???).

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